Objective Lenses
Olympus UIS2 Objective Lenses guarantee the quality, flexibility and outstanding optical performance from visible light to near infrared light. Depending on requirements, extensive lineup ensure the availability of choice for your requirement.

UPLSAPO- Super Apochromat objectives
Provides full compensation for both spherical and chromatic aberrations from the Visible to the near-infrared region.
Acquires sharp, clear images, without color shift in fluorescence, brightfield and Nomarski DIC observations.
Offers an unbeatable solution for every kind of digital imaging need with quality and performance – including high-resolution observations deep inside living tissue with silicone immersion objectives. >> Find out more

Apochromat objectives
Displays flat images from high transmission factors up to the near-infrared region of the spectrum.
Acquires sharp, clear images, without color shift, in fluorescence, brightfield and Nomarski DIC observations.
Offers an unbeatable solution for every kind of digital imaging need for quality and performance.
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High grade objectives
Displays flat images from high transmission factors up to the near-infrared region of the spectrum.
Acquires sharp, clear images, without color shift, in fluorescence, brightfield and Nomarski DIC observations.
Offers an unbeatable solution for every kind of digital imaging need for quality and performance.
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UMPLFLN / LUMPLFLN-W / LUMFLN- High grade objectives
Provides long working distance, water immersion objectives with excellent DIC and fluorescence.
Displays flat images from high transmission factors up to the near-infrared region of the spectrum.
Ideal for fluorescence imaging of brain tissue, as well as other tissue and specimens.
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XLUMPLFLN-W- High grade objectives
Provides high NA, long working distance objectives with excellent DIC and fluorescence observation.
Displays flat images from high transmission factors up to the near-infrared region of the spectrum.
Allows the measurement of cell membrane electric potentialand designed to provide easy access to patch clamp electrodes.
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High grade objectives
Displays flat images from high transmission factors up to the near-infrared region of the spectrum.
Reduces internal strain to an absolute minimum.
Best suited for polarizing, Nomarski DIC, brightfield and fluorescence microscopy.
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UCPLFLN / LUCPLFLN- High grade objectives
Provides long working distance, universal objectives with excellent contrast and resolution in brightfield, DIC and fluorescence observations.
Displays flat images from high transmission factors up to the near-infrared region of the spectrum.
Dedicated to tissue culture observations through bottles and dishes. >> Find out more

Standard Objectives
Ensures superb field flatness with fluorescence, darkfield and brightfield observation in transmitted light.
Suited for clinical laboratory and examination work.
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Standard Objectives
Ensures superb field flatness.
Provides consistent level of brightness with ND filters.
Suited for clinical laboratory and examination work.
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Super Apochromat objectives for phase-contrast
Acquires sharp, clear images, without color shift in phase-contrast observation.
Offers full compensation of both spherical and chromatic aberrations from the UV to the near-infrared region.
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Apochromat objectives for phase-contrast
Acquires sharp, clear images, without color shift in phase-contrast observation.
Displays flat images from high transmission factors up to the near-infrared region of the spectrum.
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High grade objectives for phase-contrast
Especially effective in phase-contrast observations.
Provides high S/N ratio, high resolution and contrast imaging.
Displays flat images from high transmission factors up to the near-infrared region of the spectrum.
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High grade objectives for phase-contrast
Offers long working distance, universal objectives for phase-contrast images.
Displays flat images from high transmission factors up to the near-infrared region of the spectrum.
Exclusively designed for culture specimens, regardless of the thickness and material of the vessel.
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High grade objectives for Relief Contrast
Provides long working distance, universal objectives for Relief Contrast observations.
Displays flat images from high transmission factors up to the near-infrared region of the spectrum.
Designed for the observation of living cells, including oocytes,in plastic vessels. >>
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Standard Objectives for phase-contrast
Ensures superb field flatness with phase-contrast observation in transmitted light.
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Standard Objectives for phase-contrast
Ensures superb field flatness with phase-contrast observation in transmitted light.
Combines easy focusing with excellent cost efficiency.
Especially suited for routine inspections involving many specimens. >> Find out more

Standard Objectives for Relief Contrast
Ensures superb field flatness with Relief Contrast observation in transmitted light.
Designed for the observation of living cells, including oocytes, in plastic vessels.
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Standard Objectives for phase-contrast
Used in combination with the pre-centered phase contrast slider, CKX3-SLP.
Eliminates the need for centering adjustment when changing the objective magnification in phase contrast observation.
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Standard Objectives for phase-contrast
Used in combination with the pre-center type phase contrast slider, IX2-SLP.
Eliminates the need for centering adjustment when changing the objective magnification in phase contrast observation.
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Specific Objectives
Features high transmission of 340nm wavelength light.
Ensures maximum performance influorescence microscopes through UV excitation.
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Specific Objectives
Makes it easy to produce an evanescent wave field.
Offers the ability to obtain high-contrast images against a dark background.
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Especially designed for use without a cover slip.
Ideal for blood smear specimens.
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Specific Objectives
Optimized for multiphoton imaging.
Achieves high resolution 3D imaging through detection of fluorescence from the focal point of a big field of view.
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XLFLUOR340- Specific Objectives
Long working distance objectives specially designed for low magnification fluorescence observation featuring high transmission of 340nmswavelength light and high NA.
Optional water immersion cap is available to be used as a water immersion objective. >> Find out more

Our MPLAPON Plan Apochromat objective lens Series provides the highest level of chromatic correction and resolution capability available from Olympus. High level wavefront aberration correction is guaranteed.
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Our MPLAPON-Oil Plan Apochromat oil immersion objective provides the highest level of chromatic correction and resolution capability available from Olympus. Outstanding Numerical Aperture, 1.4, ensures unparalleled resolution.
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Our MPLN Plan Achromat lens series is dedicated to brightfield observation and provides excellent contrast and optimum flatness throughout the field of view.
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Our MPLN Plan Achromat lens series is designed for both brightfield and darkfield observation and provides excellent contrast and optimum flatness throughout the field of view.
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The MPLFLN objective lens has well balanced performance with a semi apochromat color correction, a fair working distance and a high numerical aperture and is suitable for the widest range of applications.
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The MPLFLN-BD lens has semi apochromat color correction and is suitable for the widest range of applications. Especially designed for darkfield observation and the examination of scratches or etchings on polished surfaces.
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Olympus’ MPLFLN-BDP lens is a one of our semi apochromat MPLFLN-BD objectives, this universal series provides the highest optimal performance in polarized light and differential contrast observation. >> Find out more

Our LMPLFLN lens is part of our Plan semi-apochromat series, providing longer working distances for added specimen safety and observation with increased contrast.
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Our LMPLFLN-BD brightfield / darkfield lens is part of our Plan semi-apochromat series, providing longer working distances for added specimen safety and observation with increased contrast.
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The SLMPLN Plan Achromat objective lens offers the ultimate in performance with exceptionally long working distance and image clarity that you expect from the Olympus UIS 2 optical system. Ideal for electronic assembly inspection or other similar applications. >> Find out more

Olympus’ LCPLFLN-LCD lenses are optimal for observing specimens through glass substrates such as LCD panels. The adoption of optical correction rings allows aberration correction according to glass thickness. >> Find out more